Start the conversation on your campus, in your neighborhood or church today. We offer a structured, safe and easy approach to bring parties together to listen and reflect on salient issues of the day, informing decisions about our lives, our work and our communities. 


  • Your campus, church, neighborhood or circle of friends is dedicated to open a vital, out-in-the-open conversation on race in America and would welcome diverse voices deeply connected to this conversation and a safe, effective process to allow it to unfold.
  • Your neighborhood is divided and nobody’s talking. You could use a forum for meaningful conversation about issues affecting everyone.
  • Your church is in turmoil and in a time of transition. You could use a facilitator or a process to allow everyone to speak their minds and contribute to the changes around them rather than get caught up in blocking or resisting the change.


We will help you meet the challenges of change. In a world that is constantly in flux, communication needs to keep up. We help you bring the power of a culture of communication and cooperation to bear on problem solving in the real world, problem solving that results in profits and savings and the ability to stay agile and ahead of the wave.

Benefits of Corporate Talking Circles: 





  • Your company leadership is at a standstill and you would welcome an outside facilitator or approach to jumpstart decision-making.
  • Your team isn’t getting along and you’d value a skilled consultant to teach them – and you- how to listen better and work together more productively.
  • You’re a manager trying to work cross-functionally and stuck on how to motivate people who don’t report to you.
  • Your company is going through a merger and you need a map and process to successfully bridge the two corporate cultures.
  • Your company is dedicated to open a vital, out-in-the-open conversation on race in America and would welcome diverse voices deeply connected to this conversation and a safe, effective process to allow it to unfold.



Who doesn’t wish their family would listen better? Having someone really deeply listen to us is a basic human need, but one of our weaker western-world skills. But where do we learn to hear each other? Not just listen to each other, plan what we are going to say while the other person is talking-type of listening. Where do we learn to listen with the intent to really understand.

Consider Us When: 





  • You’re caring for aging parents and have been coping with the increasing demands as best as you can. Resentment and different opinions are surfacing between siblings. You could use help communicating your feelings and building a thoughtful process to share the load as more demands emerge.
  • You’re an empty-nest couple or new parents and are realizing how you have drifted apart. You could use help getting the two of you talking again.
  • Someone in the family is considering a major career transition and are worried about how it will impact your family. You need help sorting through the implications of the decision.